Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Some Exams have been graded

Congradulations to the following people who have sucsessfully completed the certification requirements for C.P.E.S.C.

Some (as designated with an *) are registered as In-Training because they do not have enough years of experience. But they still had to take most of the same test the rest of us took (4 hour test).

Calvin R. Becksvoort
Kyle E. Carrick *
Paul L. Forton
Donald B. Heck
Kevin J. Kalmbach
Randel J. LeMoine
Allen J. Patrick
Travis J. Underhill
Joseph A. LaGrow, Jr.

* An asterisk, if present, denotes a CPESC In-Training

This gives us more than 1/3 of the Certified Professionals in Michigan, in our area.

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Mid-Michigan Soil Erosion Group

Welcome to the Mid-Michigan Soil Erosion Group. We are dedicated to the advancement soil erosion and sedimentation control (SESC). If you are in Mid-Michigan and interested in Soil Erosion, please contact us. You can always leave a message for Kevin Kalmbach at (517) 543-3886.